Blog / News

Our blog on the latest news & updates on topics such as interactive digital signage, DOOH, touchscreen hardware, software, technologies and markets.

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eyefactive at ISE 2019 in Amsterdam 2
2018 / 12 | Event

eyefactive at ISE 2019 in Amsterdam

Innovative shopping experience of the future: At this year's ISE, eyefactive present interactive technology and products for use at point of sale.

4 Digital Signage Trends for 2019 2
2018 / 12 | Whitepaper

4 Digital Signage Trends for 2019

Innovative technologies expand the scope of application of classic digital signage systems and offer new advantages for use at point of sale, in museums, hotels or restaurants. Today, the main focus shifts to interactive content, which according to the trade magazine invidis is the top trending topic. With one of the largest roll-outs in this sector, McDonalds caused quite a stir recently. We shed light upon four interactive trends for 2019 - and beyond.

Interactive Digital Signage POS Software for Zwilling 2
2018 / 10 | Customer Project

Interactive Digital Signage POS Software for Zwilling

In cooperation with muse content GmbH eyefactive develops an interactive touchscreen software as an innovative store concept for the retail area of Zwilling. One of the objectives: To combine the digital online range with the local shopping experience.

New product: Premium touchscreen table TAURUS 2
2018 / 09 | Intern

New product: Premium touchscreen table TAURUS

eyefactive extends its product portfolio for interactive touchscreen systems: The TAURUS multitouch table combines a robust base with premium touchscreens by 3M in various dimensions.

Save the date: eyefactive @ ko:mon 2018 2
2018 / 09 | Event

Save the date: eyefactive @ ko:mon 2018

ko:mon - The congress for the control room and monitoring industry. From 19 to 21 September 2018, experts, practitioners, planners, suppliers and users from industry, administration and services will meet in Bremen for the 10th time to exchange know-how and experience.

New Website Online 2
2018 / 07 | Intern

New Website Online

Since 27.07.2018 our website shines in a new light. Among other things, the design has been completely updated and modernized, new content added and the technical structure revised.

Save the date: eyefactive at ISE 2019 2
2018 / 07 | Intern

Save the date: eyefactive at ISE 2019

Visit us at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) from 05.-08. February 2019 in Amsterdam.

eyefactive installs interactive infotainment solution on AIDAnova 2
2018 / 06 | Customer Project

eyefactive installs interactive infotainment solution on AIDAnova

To augment and enhance the Excellence-Class AIDAnova cruise ship, eyefactive has installed a set of four highly versatile TAURUS 65” UHD interactive touchscreen tables that offer a variety of uses for guests and staff alike.

New touchscreen app with tangible obect detection 2
2018 / 04 | Intern

New touchscreen app with tangible obect detection

Innovative shopping experience at point of sale: hold the desired products to a touch screen - and a well arranged chart opens displaying the most important parameters. It is even possible to compare multiple products at the same time. In accordance to the number of objects, the comparison table expands automatically.

Unlimited multitouch technology with cameras by Basler 2
2018 / 03 | Intern

Unlimited multitouch technology with cameras by Basler

Basler customer eyefactive, a technology firm based in northern Germany, develops interactive, large-scale, multitouch displays and corresponding multiuser software.

Premium touch screen solutions with object recognition by 3M and eyefactive at ISE 2018 2
2018 / 02 | Press

Premium touch screen solutions with object recognition by 3M and eyefactive at ISE 2018

At this year´s ISE multitouch specialists 3M and eyefactive present several interactive digital signage solutions: premium touch screen displays in different sizes and formats, customizable touch screen apps from their own B2B app store and the latest object recognition technology for PCAP touch screens.

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